
Resin vs Porcelain

Do you know the difference between resin veneers and porcelain veneers?

Resin veneers

Porcelain veneers

Fixed bridges


Our different services

Resin Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Fixed bridges


Our Expertise

Id elit mauris neque, purus dui turpis gravida id viverra nunc sit risus quam ornare et massa viverra porta risus justo lectus morbi pulvinar non bibendum nisl quisque donec nunc facilisis fermentum.

01. Blood Bank & Chemistry

Nulla viverra egestas sapien mollis a molest ullamcorper aenean.

02. Coagulation & Cytology

Magna non in suspendisse arcu, lacus ut euismod arcu velit amet lacinia.

03. Hematology & Histology

Est velit cursus eu in amet tortor, in egestas tortor euismod diam.

Latest Case Studies

Imperdiet aliquet est vel nulla turpis eu consequat ullamcorper a egestas suspendisse faucibus eu velit, phasellus pulvinar lorem et libero et tortor, sapien nulla.

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Smile design helps you in these cases:

  • If you would like to change/improve the color, shape or position of your teeth.
  • If there are spaces between your teeth that you would like to close.
  • If you have any broken teeth.
  • If you feel that your teeth are too long or too short.
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